There are a number of basic tasks which can take a considerable amount of time in my day. I have great technical abilities, attend MIT, am very agentic, and believe I am working on some of the most important issues of our time. Because of this, I value my time very heavily and so do others. Just as a CEO doesn’t handle every specific of their schedule, email, tasks to keep business, etc. so that they can have more time for the abstract and important roles of their job, so can I delegate many parts of my life. Being someone interested in managing an organization at a high-level, I figured that learning to delegate might be a good skill to have. Having read The 4-Hour Workweek, I am familiar with outsourcing components of your job to others to save time while focusing on what is essential (this book is notoriously controversial, I will comment on my ethical considerations below) and knowing a few high-functioning people who are able to achieve great things (ex: funding safety research, advocating for animal rights, etc.) with the help of a personal assistant, I decided to shoot my shot and see how much time I might be able to save.
Below you can see the Eisenhower Matrix which is a famous prioritization tool that demonstrates the class of tasks that can be outsourced.
Eisenhower Matrix
Todo: Improve sections below
I wanted to collect some basic information about my applicants — name, resume, a bit about themselves, a skill assessment. I mainly wanted to get people off of the OnlineJobs message board and onto a spreadsheet with some basic info and quickly weed out people with unacceptable computer and internet specs.
The platform I used was, which I used because it has a massive amount of free features, looks gorgeous, and syncs into a Notion Database which I wanted to use to sort through and evaluate applications.
You can see the form below
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Screen 3 of 4 (Part 1)